Well Aceptance Criteria
1. Initial Production: at least 100 BOPD preferred
Current Production: of at least 15 - 20 BOPD preferred
2. Well Integrity:
•Production tubing tested to withstand 5000 psi.
•Well bore and equipment in excellent working condition.
•Production equipment capable of handling substantial increases in total fluid volumes.
•Well equipped with packers to ensure injection ONLY into the oil production zone.
3. Well status (Preferred candidate wells include):
•Strong wells that have recently experienced severe decline in production, but are still economically viable.
•New wells with rapid fall of production.
•Wells with clogging problems.•Depleted wells producing far below the original daily production levels…but originally produced hundreds to thousands of barrels of oil per day.
•Wells that may have experienced successful primary, secondary and tertiary recovery methods but are now producing far below the original production levels.
•Wells that now produce excessive amounts of water, but water is less than 85% of total fluid.
4. Static Liquid Level:
•The Static Liquid Level must always be ABOVE the oil producing zone.
•SLL must be measured before treatment with GreenZyme® and re-measured within 10 days after treatment.
5. Operating with New SLL:
•After treatment the SSL should rise.
•After treatment, operator must optimize pumping rate to lift increased fluids created by treatment (rise in SLL).
•Unless otherwise agreed, operator will lift enough fluid to return SLL to original level before treatment.
6. Oil Pour Point Temperature:
•Oil inside the formation/pay zone must be 20°C lower than the temperature of the oil bearing formation (aka pour point temperature). E.g. Oil T°= 30°C, so formation T° must be > 50°C.
•Oil must be pourable: Crude oil inside a beaker must move when beaker is turned on its side.
7. Oil Formation/Pay Zone Porosity:
•Porosity of the oil bearing formation layer preferred to be greater than 20 percent.
•Higher porosity percentage will yield greater results.•Lesser porosity will yield much less spectacular results.
8. Oil Density:
•For standard capping duration, density (specific gravity) of oil in the formation layer should be 0.90 or less.
•Standard capping period is three days.
•Higher density will require longer capping time. E.g.: A well with oil density of 0.94, typically requires 7-10 days capping time.
9. Oil Production Zone Thickness:
•For GreenZyme® application purposes we consider a standard zone thickness to be 10 meters or less.
•This requires an injection of four barrels of GreenZyme® in a 2 to 10 percent production water solution.
•Thicker production zones require a greater volume of GreenZyme® solution and many times an increase in the dilution of GreenZyme®.
•In the case of multiple pay zones, each zone is treated as a separate well.
•Re-treatment after movement/installation of packers is required for each pay zone.
•All criteria and conditions are applied separately to each pay zone.